Not just in Ellös

Olsson Parts has been in Ellös since it was founded in 1957. In the spring of 2018, a branch office was opened in Stenungsund, just north of Gothenburg. This was done both as a way of providing choice for its employees, but above all as a way of making the company more attractive when recruiting new staff.

Today, getting on for ten “Olssonites” have their permanent place of work in the fresh premises in Stenungsund. One of these is Håkan Berndtsson from Hjälteby on the island of Tjörn. Håkan is an assortment developer in the product group, and has been working at Olssons since 2007. For the first few years, he was based in Ellös.
– When the office in Stenungsund became a reality and I was asked if I wanted to work there instead of in Ellös, I thought that it seemed like a good idea.

In addition to Håkan, the product group consists of a further eight individuals.
– My developer colleagues are based in Ellös, but I go there with work at least one day a week. It works really well.

Appreciates the variety

The same principle applies to other employees who have opted to have their permanent workplace in the Stenungsund office. And vice versa: there is currently room for around fifteen people here, and individuals working in Ellös can take their laptop and work from Stenungsund for a day – an opportunity that many choose to take up.
– It’s actually a way of becoming more efficient, says Anna Carlsson-Käck in the marketing department.
– I visit a physiotherapist in Gothenburg on a regular basis, and by taking my work with me to Stenungsund on those days, things work more smoothly both for me and my employer. I also really appreciate the variety.

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